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Don't Forget...

I'm still moving blog posts over!!

A Day with You - Intro.png

A Day with You

This idea was inspired one day when my husband had a day off to spend with our daughter and I wanted to make sure that he had enough to do! Sometimes we all need inspiration (or actual printed activities) to know what to do!

I remember when she was about 2 months old and I looked at this little bundle of moving parts and thought "you have so much potential, but what can I do with you?!" That prompted research and lots of printing of ideas that I glued onto little 3X5 cards and put all over the house. But that's another post! Ok, back to my husband's day with our daughter - what to do with a toddler...

This led me to think about how often infrequent babysitters (like aunts, grandparents and others) are sometimes looking at toddlers and preschoolers wondering what to do.


"What do I do all day with her?!"

If mom could give them a day full of simple communication building activities based on a popular story/book, then mom's time away and the family's time together can be a positive, wonderful memory! So, here I will be adding packets of simple activities that use mostly items found around the house, inside activities, outside activities, crafts and snack ideas. These packets are intended for other family members, but I did these with my daughter and had a blast, so moms you are welcome to do these, too!

Let's have fun as we share: A Day with You!

A Day with You - Bear Hunt Cover.jpg
A Day with You - Big Red Barn Cover.jpg

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© 2023 &       795 Executive Drive, Oviedo, Florida 32765

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