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I'm still moving blog posts over!!

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B4K - Before Kindergarten

B4K is a series that, as a Speech Therapist, I designed to help families know what skills they should be working on before their child goes off to kindergarten. These are skills that Kindergarten teachers would love for your child to have mastered so that they can focus on academics!

Come join us on this journey! Click on the skills or pictures below for activities that will help you develop your child's skills! I am adding new activities frequently so if there is not a link, just wait! It's coming!

If you are interested in having me speak to a group of your families, feel free to contact me!


Reading / Writing



  • Identify Signs, Symbols and Logos in the Community

  • Name some letters and numbers, name colors and shapes; count to 10

  • Know that we read left to right and top to bottom

  • Write using drawings and some made up or real letters

  • Spell and write name with first letter upper case and the rest lower case




Fine Motor / Gross Motor



  • Color, cut and paste

  • Hold a pencil

  • Carry own belongings

  • Open lunch items

  • Fasten/Unfasten clothing, tie shoes

  • Hygiene skills including blowing nose, coughing into elbow, using the bathroom and washing hands

  • Hop, jump and run; bounce, catch, kick and throw a ball




Speaking / Listening



  • Follow 2 Step Direction

  • Sit (5-15) and listen to an age appropriate book and answer basic questions

  • Say full name of self and parents; address and phone number

  • Understand most of what is said

  • Use complete, grammatically correct sentences that give lots of details

  • Tell a story and stay on topic

  • Produce most speech sounds correctly





Social Skills



  • Share with others and take turns

  • Express feelings using words

  • Ask questions and seek help when needed

  • Communicate easily with peers and adults

  • Good sportsmanship behaviors

  • Chores

Readig / Writing
Fine Motor / Gross Motor
Speaking / Listening
Social Skills

Let Me Know What You Want to Know!

© 2023 &       795 Executive Drive, Oviedo, Florida 32765

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