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FALLing for Great Speech - a FUN homework documentation page

Writer's picture: Lauren Barnett, MA, CCC-SLPLauren Barnett, MA, CCC-SLP

We all have things we need to accomplish...

Some of us like to-do lists, some like to just wing it, some want to be told what we need to do next.

If your child likes to get a sticker or small treat at the end of completing something, then this is the form for you!

My kids like to cross things out. I give them a list of activities and they go down the list checking things off! But not all things need a list... you don't want to write "Speech Practice" five times a week!

But we know that when kids practice their speech and language goals, they make faster progress!

Each time your child completes a homework practice, they can cut out a cute pumpkin and glue it onto the page! The visual of filling it up can be very motivating!

I've had clients who like to earn a special treat for filling in all of the boxes (usually they get an extra sticker!) and some just like to fill it in and show me that it's complete.

There's a colorful one and a LOW INK version too!!

It's funny, sometimes I'll print a LOW INK version to save ink, but almost always the kids love it more because they get to decide what colors to use. One day it's a blue pumpkin, another day a pink one. It makes it MORE colorful and very individual! No one else has one that looks just like theirs!

Plus, cutting and gluing skills are so important!

Teachers and Speech Therapists - this is a great form to send home with your students so they work on their skills at home!!

There are enough squares for 5 days of practice each week for two weeks!

Do you need a game or activity to play while you practice your speech goals? I've been working hard this month to create fun and seasonal activities that parents can play with their child or therapists can use with their clients!

Subscribe and you'll get the activities as soon as they are up on the blog!!

Need something right now? At the top of the blog, click "games" and you'll get a bunch of activities!

Have fun playing!

-Lauren :)

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I want to help my child with:

Lauren with CCC.jpg

About me :)
Hi! I'm Lauren! I'm a mom and a Speech-Language Pathologist. I'm so glad you are here! (more)

My Favorites:
(I think you'll love them too!)

When Should My Child Say - Display.png
Our Very Own Hungry Caterpillar - Display.png
Tying Shoes - Display.png

Just what you are
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